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Iggy Peck, Architect

Iggy Peck, Architect

Published: 1 Oct 2007

Hardback, 32 pages

Recommended for age 5+ and 7+

By Andrea Beaty

Illustrated by David Roberts

Published by Abrams

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Iggy Peck has been building fabulous creations since he was two. His parents are proud of their son, though sometimes surprised by some of Iggy's inventive creations (like the tower he built out of used diapers). When a new second grade teacher declares her dislike of architecture, Iggy faces a challenge. He loves building too much to give it up!

Tagged buildings and architecture , engineering and top pick

The The Questioneers series

Aaron Slater, Illustrator
Lila Greer, Teacher of the Year
Iggy Peck, Architect