Ava sat at her desk, gazing at the board. 'Ava,' said Mrs Cook. 'Where are your glasses today?' Ava looked down at her schoolbag.
She hated her glasses. Ava hates her glasses, and sometimes chooses not to wear them, even when wearing them would help her to read. Ava's teacher sympathises but rather than tell her to put them on, she opens a book of fairy tales.
One by one, Mrs Cook suggests that all the main characters in her favourite stories could have avoided their troubles by wearing their glasses. By the end, Ava is adding to the stories and seeing her own life more clearly.
She hated her glasses. Ava hates her glasses, and sometimes chooses not to wear them, even when wearing them would help her to read. Ava's teacher sympathises but rather than tell her to put them on, she opens a book of fairy tales.
One by one, Mrs Cook suggests that all the main characters in her favourite stories could have avoided their troubles by wearing their glasses. By the end, Ava is adding to the stories and seeing her own life more clearly.
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Tagged glasses