Prithee, let us not tarry, for I am setting forth on a new MOST PERILOUS quest! The hero of this book, a rather hapless knight, has just come across a most fortuitous find.
All the other knights in the kingdom say he could never track down a giant, but he has something quite special… a book with all the tips he needs to help him on his quest, and he couldn’t have found it sooner, for here be GIANTS!
And so, with his long-suffering horse, and his nose in his precious book "How to Spot a Giant Before He Spots You", the knight sets off to find a giant. He looks out for BIG things, but all he can find are tiny forest creatures and an exasperated damsel who are all much too small.
Next, he tries going UP. He obliviously passes a beanstalk and scales a great rock instead (the giant’s leg). More obstacles appear: thunder (the giant’s tummy rumbling), fierce winds (the giant hungrily sniffing him) and rain (the giant’s drool).
All the other knights in the kingdom say he could never track down a giant, but he has something quite special… a book with all the tips he needs to help him on his quest, and he couldn’t have found it sooner, for here be GIANTS!
And so, with his long-suffering horse, and his nose in his precious book "How to Spot a Giant Before He Spots You", the knight sets off to find a giant. He looks out for BIG things, but all he can find are tiny forest creatures and an exasperated damsel who are all much too small.
Next, he tries going UP. He obliviously passes a beanstalk and scales a great rock instead (the giant’s leg). More obstacles appear: thunder (the giant’s tummy rumbling), fierce winds (the giant hungrily sniffing him) and rain (the giant’s drool).
Tagged knights